How do you find the ideal SEO agency for you? Even with a plethora of options out there, there’s always a chance that you’ll end up with a lousy company that doesn’t understand your company values, which ultimately leads to a frustrating experience.

How Do Companies Choose SEO Agencies Successfully?
A good question, indeed. After multiple interviews and data collection, we have found out that the selection process is not as tedious as we’d anticipated: turns out, all you need is some common sense, a little bit of research, and the ability to hire smart. But before that, make sure you understand what SEO is and the goal set for your hired SEO agency. We limited this research to the city of Houston and will list examples in the sections to come for reference.
The Research
Finding out how Houston-based companies sought out Houston SEO agencies for help and the process involved in hiring them was not tough. This process is not highly scientific and can be categorized into three main pointers.
Tips on Choosing the Best Houston SEO Agency
When it comes to choosing the right SEO company, it’s all about thinking smart and being logical. Take your time to make the decision and do not rush into the process (even if that means taking a few days or weeks to understand SEO and the process involved). Ultimately, the goal is to drive traffic, leads, and sales from searches to your website. The right Houston SEO agency is out there, you’ve just got to find it, and here’s how.
Look up the SEO agency’s past performances
Just like your business works, performance matters for SEO agencies as well! Houston SEO agencies, in particular, have a smaller market, and therefore, it is not uncommon for these companies to exaggerate about their performance and clients, even. So ensure you give their past performances a thorough look through. This could be with reference to portfolio examples, case studies, client testimonials, and/or industry awards.
Their internet marketing strategies are rather impressive, and they claim to take pride in the positive impact they seem to have on their clientele. If you check out their website, you will find many clients who have posted video testimonials about how this Houston SEO agency helped boost their business with the aid of SEO, web design, and Pay Per Click techniques. Their written testimonials also praise their work ethic and explain how truly beneficial their efforts were towards the success of the business.
Proven performance must be number 1 on your list while scanning for Houston SEO agencies- this will help narrow down your list by a large factor. Ensure you have verifiable proof that the company is an expert in the field, and they can (and have, in the past), driven meaningful results for their clients.
Ask Current or Past Clients About Their Experiences
Even if an SEO agency boasts exaggerates about their work ethic and success with clients, always trust the stories their previous clients have to tell you. While reading in-depth testimonials and watching interviews about the agency can help you get an idea about the overall client experience, asking them directly about their experience will give you a more enhanced version of their strengths and weaknesses.
It is crucial that you call at least 4-5 previous or current clients of the Houston SEO agency to vet them; find out the effect the agency had on your company and learn everything you can about their approach towards achieving their business goals and the overall SEO process. This will give you a clear picture of how the company is run and its reporting style. This third-party view of the agency gives you the advantage of experiencing their services before you even hire them. Not only does this help you choose the best SEO agency in Houston, it helps you narrow down your list of options by a lot. Find out more about the companies that actually check off your requirements.
Meet the SEO Agency Yourself and Ask Them Questions
…And finally, meet the toned-down list of agencies one-by-one, and ask them specific questions about their skills and performance in SEO. The more questions you ask them about their past performances, the clearer picture you’ll get about how they’d perform with your company. A well-rounded company won’t hide details from you!